Milo – Male – Red Wheaten -Hungarian Lines – Scottish Terrier Puppy -Reserved

Blake – Male- Wheaten -Hungarian Lines – Scottish Terrier Puppy – Reserved
June 17, 2024
Tiffany – Female – Light Wheaten  – Scottish Terrier Puppy -Reserved
June 17, 2024
Blake – Male- Wheaten -Hungarian Lines – Scottish Terrier Puppy – Reserved
June 17, 2024
Tiffany – Female – Light Wheaten  – Scottish Terrier Puppy -Reserved
June 17, 2024

Milo – Male – Red Wheaten – HUNGARIAN LINES – Scottish Terrier Puppy -Reserved


In the heart of joy, meet Milo, so warm,
With a coat like the glow of a sunrise storm.
A pup with a twinkle in his bright, playful eyes,
Milo’s mirth spreads wide as the vast sunrise.

With each morning's gleam and the rustle of leaves,
Milo’s cheer is as sweet as the autumn eaves.
In his lively frolics and merry, wagging tail,
He paints every moment with a joyful veil.

Together we’ll explore, through fields kissed with dew,
In life’s vibrant tapestry, with colors true.
If you seek a friend, bright and delight,
Choose Milo, and bask in his radiant light.